how to setup icam oscam sky de?

Nov 6, 2022
🌷🌷🌷 Good news, our oscam starcline.net/egygold.xyz 6/7/8 lines support sky de icam now💯 ,it need 4K oscam box, images version: openATV 6 or openATV  7, more stable

 order them at here 


www.aigooe.com/cccams.html (panel and credits)

our egygold.xyz server


www.aigooe.com/egygolds.html (panel and credits) 🌷🌷🌷

How to use icam oscam, check the end of this page.

details as follow Icam oscam ipk download link:


all you need is an newer model enigma2 box, a newer version of OScam and modifying some settings.

1/ Installing OScam:

I have attached bellow the latest OScam version that supports sly De.

Put the IPK in the /tmp folder in your box and then install it using IPK installer.

Run the newer OScam, it should be per-configured with all the settings needed to run sly De.

If not then just add this to your oscam.config

stream_ecm_delay = 5
stream_relay_ctab = 098D
stream_relay_icam_ctab = 098D
2/ Setting up your Enigma2 Box:

To be able to run SKY De, you will need a special list of channels. I have attached an IPK file that will add them automatically for you!

Same for this step just put the file in /tmp and then install it using IPK installer

Now go to your OpenWebif and click on Settings > Customize

And edit the following options

Include ECM in HTTP streams - NO
Descramble HTTP streams - YES
Descramble received HTTP streams - NO
Load unlinked userbouquets - YES

3/ import our oscam account into oscam.server as normal, then it will work for icam package

our server supported sid list for icam sky de as follow:


OSCAM setup guide: 

1 > oscam config like this,but need change the domain ,port,user name, password: http://gcccms.starcline.com/doc/oscam.txt 

2 > insert follow at your oscam.conf below [global] section, Important: do not delete original content 

disablecrccws = 1 

disablecrccws_only_for = 098C:000000;09C4:000000;098D:000000;1884:000000;092B:000000;0B01:000000;1813:000068;1708:000000;1709:000000;0E00:000000;0500:030B00;0500:050F000;1811:003311,003315;1883:003311;1819:00006

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